By Phil Davis, PHR
As Career Professionals, it can often be challenging and frustrating to know where we want to go within our career journeys. We may feel lost, alone, stuck, and confused. And, sometimes, we may not even feel like we have made an impact in our careers with our past or present employers or with others, for that matter. The pandemic and other unprecedented factors naturally caused so many of these feelings to come to fruition in our lives. Myself included.
After going through an intense workforce reduction in my last corporate role as Head of Talent Acquisition for a highly reputable global bakery manufacturing company, I felt so much uncertainty and sadness within my heart that I did not know what I wanted to do next within my career and how I would be able to impact others. I had gone through a few other layoffs before in my 10+ year Corporate HR and Recruiting career; I felt like a failure on the surface, but deep down, I knew I had the opportunity to make a career pivot and to share my value in a different, unique way.
It was in that moment of this particular layoff that I decided to venture out on my own and to help inspire and “fulPHILL” other career professionals who were seeking career guidance and coaching during the pandemic and beyond. That is why I created fulPHILLment®, a unique business and brand that offers a customized 1:1 approach to helping other career professionals, like myself, dig deeper into their unique value and impact and TUNE INTO™ their career journeys with more confidence and connection.
Let’s face the facts: we all have unique value and impact. As humans, we are on this earth for a reason, and it is my sincere opinion that our value is truly meant to help and serve others and to bring people together, both personally and professionally. Sometimes, we do not know how we have added value in our careers, and that is okay! Asking for help from a family member, a friend, a mentor, or a coach can be beneficial as you dig deeper into your value.
Since I studied Opera and Music in college, I had to create a unique career coaching process that “sings true” to the fulPHILLment® brand but, also, “resonates” with career development itself. It is called the TUNE INTO™ Framework!
Each letter represents the step-by-step journey of helping you to gain more confidence and ultimately, find success in your career!
T = Trust.
It all begins with trust. We’ve heard the saying before: Know, like, trust! It is important that when we meet other people and learn about their stories we listen, learn, and understand their journeys. That is how trust is built.
U = Uncover.
This step is important because it can help us to dig a little deeper into challenges that we may be facing in our careers and bring out our own career achievements. I usually tell folks to take some time and reflect on this step. Write down your career accomplishments that you are excited about! Chat with a friend about them!
N = Navigate.
Once we have uncovered both career challenges and achievements, it is time to begin taking control of our strategies and how we want to best move forward. After all, you are the Captain of Your Career Ship!
E = Execute.
This is where the action comes into “harmony!” This step goes quasi-hand-in-hand with the Navigate step, but this one occurs after we have strategized where we want to go.
I = Inspect.
As we have executed and acted along the changes that we want to make, we should keep this step in handy as a constant evaluation of our progress. How are things going? Are we receiving the results that we strive for? What changes do we need to make?
N = Notate.
Document, document, document! As we are inspecting our journey and results, we should document how things are going. This step is key as we should also celebrate our wins along the journey! Remember, each step we take gets us closer and closer to our goals!
T = Transform.
As we are starting to see the results of our work along this journey, we, ultimately will gain more confidence in ourselves and our unique value and impact! Take this step to heart! You are growing and transforming!
O = Obtain.
This step is when we have achieved our goals! Whether we secured that new career opportunity, whether we received that promotion, whether we achieved that challenging goal that we strived for, celebrate that you did it! You made it happen! Own it!
Take these steps to heart today and beyond as you are journeying along in your career!
About the Author

Phil Davis, Certified Professional of Human Resources® (PHR®), Career Development Coach, Recruiter, and Opera Singer, is inspiring and helping people find clarity and confidence in their careers, business, and life. For this reason, he founded FulPhillment® Solutions, LLC to build transformative relationships and connect invigorated Mid and Senior-Level Career Professionals and Dynamic Employers. Directing passion for harmony into bringing people together and helping greatness grow, FulPhillment® utilizes a highly personalized and collaborative TUNE INTO™ process to help our unique customers reach ever-evolving goals.