You Will Be Found
How Communicators Can Leverage New Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Drive Results
The year’s first PRSA Georgia seminar addresses an area that’s fundamental to each of our businesses: search engine optimization (SEO). In the crowded online marketplace of organizations and ideas, you and your content first have to be found! SEO is one of the most data-driven disciplines that PR communicators and marketers can leverage in driving more business. Expert Jenny Munn will share the ways you can make sure you and your organization can be discovered for your greatest assets and content.
She will teach seminar attendees the fundamental role PR plays in contributing to SEO, social signals you should heed and techniques for link building. Attendees will leave with an understanding of the fundamentals for ensuring you’re maximizing your organic, direct, referral and search functionality.
Some of her tips show how to “spoonfeed” Google and its changing algorithms. She also debunks myths such as “putting up press releases just for search” and “just write good content.”
This interactive session will help you understand the latest innovations in this rapidly changing space and help you:
Instructor: Jenny Munn, Data-Driven Digital Marketer, The Munn Group
As a Search Marketing (SEO/SEM) freelancer, consultant and strategist for The Munn Group, Jenny Munn specializes in strategies that drive more awareness, traffic, and conversions. She also frequently works with digital agencies and web designers by joining their team as the SEO specialist for website projects. She is a frequent SEO speaker and presenter on website marketing and digital marketing topics around Atlanta and the U.S.
She has worked for B2B, B2C, technology and healthcare organizations as well as associations and PR agencies.
Her background is in SEO copywriting, keyword research, and content creation, where she offered a range of online and offline writing services including website copy and content, press releases, white papers, ebooks, case studies, ghostwriting and ghost blogging, e-newsletters and more.
Her company information can be found at
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