We are in the midst of a defining moment for women in this country, with positive change happening across all levels of organizations and industries. There is a swell of talented female change-makers we have started listening to and learning from, and together with their woke male counterparts, they’re paving the way for a new normal.
Join us Tuesday, November 19th to hear from an esteemed group of leaders covering topics such as “Building Your Personal Brand in the Workplace,” to “Raising your Executive and Leadership Presence,” to “Knowing Your Worth and Asking For It” and more.
The Level Up Forum will be a series of short Ted-style talks, followed by three interactive workshop sessions to help us Level Up our personal career trajectories and implement change within our own organizations.
Format: Six speakers with a 5-7 minute Ted-style talk, followed by three breakout workshop sessions from Dwayna Haley, Rachel Ooms, and J. Noble
Parking: The hotel offers daily self-parking for $10, and daily valet parking for $18.
Thank you to our sponsors: